CloudCherry analytics API

CloudCherry Now Offers Text-Based Customer Sentiment Analysis; Uses IBM Watson, Microsoft Azure ML

CloudCherry Now Offers Text-Based Customer Sentiment Analysis; Uses IBM Watson, Microsoft Azure ML

“The need for brands to understand and analyse customer sentiment using text analytics is quite unprecedented. With more customers commenting about their experience in detail via free-text comment boxes and also turning to social media to engage with brands, there's a ton of valuable insights that businesses can extract to shape customer experience. And by using IBM Watson and Microsoft Azure on our Text Analytics platform, brands can make the most of these conversations, and obtain a highly comprehensive and accurate understanding of customer sentiment and behaviour,” said Vinod Muthukrishnan, Co-founder & CEO, CloudCherry.

“Text analytics looks at rich customer information that flows in from unstructured feedback sources like free-text comments, social media posts, email, chat transcripts and internal data sources. We leverage the power of machine learning to discover trending topics of interest at each stage of the customer journey, enabling organizations to take action proactively,” added Arvi Krishnaswamy, VP – Products, CloudCherry. Read the full article here.

CloudCherry analytics API using Azure and Watson

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