india, pollution, bosch iot, intel, iot, monitor

Intel & Bosch Develop IoT-Powered Pollution Monitor

Intel & Bosch Develop IoT-Powered Pollution Monitor

With THE NUMBER of vehicles on India’s roads climbing rapidly, deteriorating air quality is a major issue for our cities. An Air Quality Micro Climate Monitoring System (MCMS) that provides intelligent data and enable real-time analysis of ambient air pollution, and powered by Intel technology has been launched by Bosch to directly address this concern. The system is designed with sensors and software to ensure air quality parameters are measured rapidly and accurately. With access to comprehensive air quality data, city officials will be equipped to quickly take action to improve the quality of life.

The Intel-based Bosch Air Quality Micro Climate Monitoring System (MCMS) is designed to take a very wide range of measurements. These include monitoring levels of what the US Environmental Protection Agency refers to as ‘criteria pollutants’, which include particulate matter, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide and ground-level ozone.

“Air quality information could be used by multiple smart city applications, including city planning, traffic management, and health statistics analysis. It could be made available as open data for use by third-party applications, for example to help people choose where to live.”- Dr Chris Harding, Director of Tech Industry Consortium The Open Group told Internet of Business

Read the full article here.


india, pollution, iot, bosch, intel, intel iot, monitor

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