Microsoft Org Chart Report in 2025
Microsoft Org Chart Report in 2025

Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052-6399
United States
Main Phone: (425) 882-8080
Industry Sector: Technology - Software, Infrastructure
Full Time Employees: 221,000
Annual Revenues: $135.62 Billion
Fiscal Year End: June 30, 2023
CEO: Satya Nadella, Chairman & CEO
Fortune Rank: #13 (2023)
How many employees will be on the Microsoft Org Chart?
There are at least 200 people on the org chart.
Are there any restrictions on how I can use the Microsoft Org Charts at my company?
No, there are no restrictions on how you can use the org charts at your company. There are no user count limitations.
What versions of the org chart file do I get access to?
After you purchase the Microsoft org chart, you will have access to the PDF, PowerPoint, and Google Slides versions of the document.
How many slides are in the Microsoft Org Chart?
There are at least 20 slides with 5 to 20 contacts per page. The total count will vary from quarter to quarter as we update and modify the charts.
Building your own Microsoft Org Chart vs Purchasing from Databahn
Databahn spends more than 50 hours every three months building and updating the Microsoft org chart. We have to resources, tools, and time to focus on the charting effort. It makes no sense to attempt to do this on your own. Databahn researchers update the organizational reporting structure and include email addresses and phone numbers. Anyone who has sold or marketed to Microsoft understands that finding email addresses is no easy task because they include partial first names, partial last names and random numbers.
Selling software using my Microsoft Org chart
The Microsoft org chart will save you hours of research time. This is time you could be spending calling or emailing qualified buyers with a need for your solution. Navigating the Microsoft organization with accurate contact information including email addresses and phone numbers will enable you to do your sales or marketing job more effectively and efficiently. You could do it on your own and spend more than 200 hours per year at a cost of at least $10,000 USD or purchase it from Databahn for $1,500. Visit our Hidden Costs of Sales Research web page to run the ROI calculation for yourself (link to: Intelligence included in the org chart
Beyond the Microsoft Org Charts and Contact Info, there is a Microsoft deep dive account intelligence report that was researched and developed with the technology solutions account executive in mind. While the Org Charts and Contact Info solve the problem of “who are you going to call at Microsoft?”, you still have the dilemma of “what are you going to say to your prospect?” and “what informed questions are you going to ask them?”. Databahn researchers have uncovered insights to Microsoft’s budgets, their installed enterprise applications and other technographic details, a strengths / weaknesses / opportunities / and threats (SWOT) analysis report, a political / economic / social / technological / legal / and environmental (PESTLE) analysis report, excerpts from the 2020 annual report and the latest earnings call along with dozens of actionable sales trigger events.
Sharing charts with sales team
The Microsoft org charts and sales intelligence report will enable your account team to collaborate and build more effective sales strategies. Databahn clients have leveraged the deep dive report to build strategic account plans and account based marketing (ABM) plans. We seen them used to brief senior sales leaders before a sales call and even respond to RFPs when the client stops responding to questions even though you still need more information to write a RFP response.
Satya Nadella
Chairman and CEO
Microsoft’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Satya Nadella was named CEO in February 2014. Nadella held multiple leadership roles in both enterprise and consumer businesses. Nadella’s previous position was the EVP of Microsoft’s Cloud and Enterprise group. He led the transformation to the cloud infrastructure and services business. Additionally he had led R&D for the Online Services Division serving as VP.
Amy Hood
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Amy Hood serves as the executive vice president and chief financial officer at Microsoft. Hood is responsible for leading Microsoft’s worldwide finance organization, including business operations, acquisitions, and accounting. Additionally she is responsible for financial reporting and investor relations. Additionally she acts as a strategic partner to CEO Satya Nadella.
She joined the company in 2002. She is involved in the company’s operations, and strategy development and overall execution of the company’s successful acquisitions of LinkedIn and GitHub.
Kathleen Hogan
Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer
Kathleen Hogan is the executive vice president and chief human resources officer of Microsoft. Hogan is responsible for over 175,000+ global employees. Hogan ensures the company has a functional workplace culture.
She previously served as corporate vice president of Microsoft Services and maximized the value of investment in Microsoft technologies. She joined Microsoft in 2003.
Chris Capossela
Chief Marketing Officer and Executive Vice President, Marketing and Consumer Business
Chris Capossela is the chief marketing officer and executive vice president of the company’s worldwide consumer business. Capossela runs marketing across both the consumer and commercial businesses. This includes marketing for all Microsoft services and products, including business planning and research.Additionally he oversees the Consumer Channel Sales and Marketing team, Microsoft Advertising Sales and Microsoft Stores. These teams are responsible for driving revenue, growth and share across the consumer business. Capossela joined Microsoft in 1991 as a marketing manager.
Judson Althoff
Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer
Judson Althoff serves as the executive vice president and chief commercial officer at Microsoft. Althoff is responsible for the sales strategy, execution and revenue growth of Microsoft’s commercial business.
Althoff joined the company in March 2013 as president of Microsoft North America.
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